북킹닷컴: semantically broken 01


search hotels

“destination” is translated with a dictionary meaning in context. The translated term 목적지 (destination) would be an ambiguous noun in terms of meaning for tourism contents. The term can be more appropriate for airline company contents when directing to flight arrivals. The alternative elaborated term 여행지(travel destination) would be more natural in this case.
In the check-box option, the sentence delivers literal meaning with non-agreeable verb “don’t have (없음).” The meaning is supposed to be “the date is not determined yet” from customers’ point of view, so 숙박 예정일 미정(the date will be decided later) would be an appropriate rephrasal in context.

why use

Why use
The translation delivers literal meaning due to the shortened verb.
Booking.com을 선택해야 하는 이유 would be an alternative phrase.

Save money!
The source implies that the company provides an opportunity for customers to save travel cost, so 여행경비 절감! (save travel cost!) would be a meaningful flow.

Easily manage all your bookings
The syntax in translation is not consistent with the other 4 headings. The current format is a shortened sentence instead of putting noun phrases like others. An equivalent noun phrase 간편한 예약 관리 would be more appropriate in terms of structure consistency for heading titles.

17,440,000 reviews from real guests
The present form modifier 투숙한 (staying) doesn’t agree to the subject 고객이 in context. The past verb form 투숙했던 (stayed) would be better.

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