I personally find that the localisation of the Skype is the worst output that I’ve ever seen. source: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/features/allfeatures/skype-to-skype-calls/ target: http://www.skype.com/intl/ko/features/allfeatures/skype-to-skype-calls/ Whether you’re calling your uncle on the other side of the world to tell him you’re getting married, or catching up with your best friend about her holiday. 지구 반대편에 있는 삼촌에게 전화를 걸어 …
Month: January 2013
Asiana Airlines 아시아나 항공 awkward/incorrect translations
source: http://us.flyasiana.com/Global/US/en/homepage?fid=CLUB16100#club05 target: http://us.flyasiana.com/Global/US/ko/homepage?fid=CLUB16100#club05 when a member travels with Asiana flights 탑승 시에만추가로 There is a space error in context. Additional bonus mileage will not be provided …