유레일: semantically broken 03


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Corporate websites contain various legal contents. Most legal contexts are hidden in footer menu and written in fine print so site visitors don’t read them. Undoubtedly, the legal conditions in e-commerce take a key role for customers.

Booking Terms
예약 조건
->’terms’ delivers a dictionary meaning instead of ‘rules/regulations.’

Eurail Promotion & Game Conditions
유레일 판촉 및 게임 조건
->’game’ reads a dictionary term. Since the website doesn’t run ‘gaming’ contents, the term should be replaced with a proper term.. ‘conditions’ delivers a dictionary meaning instead of ‘rules/regulations.’

These terms and conditions apply for all promotional campaigns of Eurail.Com BV. Please read these Terms of Use carefully prior to participating in the Promotion. By participating you accept these terms of use.
이 조항과 조건은 Eurail.Com의 모든 홍보 캠페인에 적용됩니다. 홍보 행사에 참여하기 전에 이용 약관을 자세히 읽어주십시오. 행사에 참여한다는 것은 이용 약관에 동의한다는 것을 의미합니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. ‘terms and conditions’ are treated separately with two dummy nouns. The term ‘promotion’ reads various terms. In this intro, the term is translated into ‘campaign.’

1.In order to participate, perform all actions as stated in the INSTRUCTIONS section that is published with the promotion. Fill in all required fields for the requested information in an accurate, truthful and complete manner.
1.행사에 참가하기 위해서는 홍보 행사와 함께 서술된 지침서 부분의 모든 요구사항을 수행해야 합니다. 정확하고, 진실된 정보를 필요항목에 완전히 기입해 주십시오.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. ‘INSTRUCTIONS’ reads a ‘technical manual.’ ‘perform all actions’ doesn’t fit into the context. ‘truthful’ and ‘complete’ sound awkward.

2.This campaign is organized by Eurail.Com B.V. P.O Box 2338, 3500 GH Utrecht, The Netherlands, registered at the Chamber of Commerce number 30206952. It is not possible to send any correspondence in relation to this campaign to this address.
2.이 캠페인은 Eurail.Com B.V.(P.O Box 2338, 3500 GH Utrecht, The Netherlands)에서 주관하며, 상공 회의소 번호 30206952로 등록되어 있습니다. 이 캠페인과 관련해서 이 주소로 보내는 어떤 연락도 가능하지 않습니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. ‘Chamber of Commerce’ can be taken as a local government body due to the literal local term. ‘not possible to send any correspondence’ sounds exaggerated by implying ‘impossible to communicate.’

3.If the promotion is sponsored by an external party, this is clearly stated in the promotion. The sponsor of this promotion is entirely responsible for all promotional activities, including but not limited to drawing of prizes, providing prizes and performing all communication with participants.
3.만일 행사가 외부에서 지원되었다면, 이 사항은 행사에 분명히 명시됩니다. 행사의 스폰서는 경품 추첨, 경품 제공 및 참가자와의 모든 의사 소통에 국한되지 않고 모든 경품 행사 활동에 관해 전적인 책임을 집니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. The sentence structure follows English grammar so the sentences sound unnatural. In the last sentence, ‘all’ is used twice and the adverbial phrase ‘but not limited to drawing of prizes’ is ambiguous in context if it modifies the following phrase or previous one.

4.Eurail.Com B.V. has the right to change these Terms of Use at any point in time.
4.Eurail.Com B.V.는 언제든 이용 약관을 변경할 수 있습니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. ‘at any point’ shouldn’t be ‘always’ in Korean T&C.

5.This promotion is open to any individual sixteen (16) years of age or older. Void where prohibited. Employees and relatives of Eurail.Com B.V., Eurail Group G.I.E., Sponsors or other persons directly related to this campaign are excluded from participation.
5.이 행사는 (16) 세 이상의 개인이면 누구라도 참여 가능합니다. 금지된 사항에 해당하면 무효처리가 됩니다. Eurail.Com B.V., Eurail Group G.I.E., 스폰서의 직원 및 친인척 혹은 이 캠페인에 직접 관련된 사람은 참가할 수 없습니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. ‘where prohibited’ introduces a new condition.

6.This campaign runs from/to the dates clearly stated at competition site. If is spoken of a certain day: A “day” is the 24h period between midnight on the one day until midnight the next day. Central European Time (CET) is used to measure times.
6.이 캠페인은 행사 사이트에 분명히 기술된 날짜(시작~마지막 날짜)에 치뤄집니다. 특정 일자가 언급되면, 그 ‘일자`는 그날 자정에서 익일 자정까지의 24시간을 의미합니다. 기준 시간은 유럽 중앙 시간(CET)을 사용합니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings. The adverb ‘clearly’ sounds awkward and the verb ‘runs’ reads a low tone. The second sentence sounds ambiguous since there are several demonstrative pronouns. ‘CET’ doesn’t read a standard term.

7.If prizes are drawn, this is according to prize drawning criteria as stated at competition site. Eurail.Com BVs computer is official time keeping device for this promotion.
7.상품이 추첨되면, 이것은 행사 사이트에 명시된 상품 추첨 기준에 의한 것입니다. Eurail.Com BV 의 컴퓨터는 이 경품행사의 공식 시간 측정 도구입니다.
->The sentences go with dictionary wordings and follow English grammar.

8.One entry per person.
8.일인당 한 번 참가만 허용합니다.
->The verb tone is not standard for T&C. There is a space error.

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