델타항공: semantically broken 14


Your SkyMiles Monthly Insider, the latest news
& special offers
고객님의 스카이마일스 월간 인사이더
최근 뉴스 및 특별 혜택 정보지
->The translation follows English grammar. The beginning part reads literal wording so it sounds like ‘Monthly Insider published by You.’ instead of reading ‘Monthly Insider for You.’

The INSIDER is so much more than just your SkyMiles statement. It’s a personalized newsletter designed to keep you updated on everything from your mileage balance to our latest offers and current news.
‘인사이더’는 단순히 고객님의 스카이마일스 명세서 그 이상입니다. 이는 개인화된 뉴스레터로 고객님께 마일리지 잔고부터 최근 혜택과 최신 뉴스까지 모든 것에 대해 업데이트된 내용을 전달하도록 고안됐습니다.
->Noun terms are not chosen appropriately. ‘statement’, ‘on everything’, and ‘designed’ read dictionary meanings and don’t fit in the context.

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