유레일: semantically broken 24


Can I contact Eurail.Com by phone?
Get help with your existing order
전화로 Eurail.Com에 연락할 수 있습니까?
기존 주문을 도와 드립니다
->’contact’ reads a dictionary meaning so the tone sounds awkward (of course, the customers can contact ‘existing order’ also reads a dictionary meaning so the purpose of ‘help’ is ambiguous.

You can call our order support team for questions about existing orders, payments and refunds. The support phone number for your region can be found in your order confirmation email and invoice. Or email us your questions.
기존 주문, 대금 지불과 환불 등에 대한 질문은 저희 주문 지원팀으로 연락하십시오. 고객님의 지역에 대한 지원 전화번호는 주문 확인 이메일과 송장에 나와 있습니다. 또는 궁금한 사항을 이메일로 보내주십시오.
->’contact’ and ‘existing order’ read dictionary meanings. ‘invoice’ is translated with a trading term which is used in an international trade payment.

Overall Rating: 5/10

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