유레일: semantically broken 26


Create a free PayPal account and transfer funds from your bank account to PayPal.
무료 PayPal 계정을 개설하시고 고객님의 은행 계정에서 PayPal로 송금하십시오.
->’transfer funds’ reads a dictionary meaning so the translation misleads the customers by implying that the payment should be wired via their bank account. Their PayPal accounts will be set up to pay the amount via their paypal accounts so the ‘transfer’ doesn’t mean ‘to wire transfer.’

Ask a family member or friend to make the payment on your behalf using their credit card.
가족이나 친구에게 신용카드로 대신 결제해 주도록 부탁하십시오.
->’their credit card’ sounds ambiguous since it doesn’t show a subject party of credit card.

You can also buy your Eurail passes with with delivery to your home or work address. We also deliver to Europe, including to hotels and hostels.
Eurail.Com에서 유레일 패스를 구입하시고 가정이나 근무지 주소로 배달되도록 하실 수도 있습니다. Eurail.Com은 호텔, 호스텔 등을 포함하여 유럽으로 배달합니다.
->The sentence follows English grammar so the passive causative form for ‘buy passes with delivery to your’ is not paralleled with the preceding phrase. ‘delivery’ is not consistent with the term in the title.

Overall Rating: 5/10 (as of May 9, 2013)

eurail_en_26 eurail_ko_26

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