델타항공: semantically broken 21


Log in to my delta
로그인 로그인
->The string repeats ‘log in’ twice. It must have not been proofread.

Remember me
로그인 유지
->The check box and text are overlapped with the frame of the navigation bar, which looks the home page unprofessional.

A strike by airport workers may impact travel to, from or through Brussels, Belgium.
벨기에 브뤼셀 착발 또는 경유 여행이 공항 노동자 파업으로 인해 영향을 받을 수 있습니다.
->The sentence follows English grammar. ‘by(인해)’ is originated from a Japanese term and is not necessary in context since the preceding ‘-으로’ already delivers the meaning of the cause. ‘may impact’ reads a dictionary meaning.

delta_en_21 delta_ko_21

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