Naver Search Engine and Ads in Korea

How Naver search engine works. I am introducing one of the blogs from Sungmoon Cho.

Search with keyword “투명 교정 가격 (cost of Invisalign)” at


The first page retrieves local businesses which are not much relevant to the keyword. The search results don’t show how much it costs for Invisalign and even not clear whether the businesses provide the service for Invisalign or not. Apparently not!


Knowledge base Q & A run by non-professional users (including grade students) also is not much relevant, either. The search results don’t meet my expectation at all.
Google shows the correct target that I’ve been looking for in the first three hits. The first one even introduces the official developer of Invisalign and directs users to the page calculating the cost of the technology.


The results are followed by reliable and in-depth info.





Comparing Naver Ads Service with Google AdWords, it is not easy for foreign-based individuals/businesses to get into the local market. All Ad services are monetized and Keyword marketing is literally very limited for SEO marketers. Naver promotes one of its keyword ad services below such as Click Choice, Time Board, Rolling Board, Mobile Banner AD, and Shopping Box (ref.

[quote] Naver Click Choice ads are eligible to be shown on (the No.1 search portal in Korea) and on Naver partner networks simultaneously. Advertisers can expect maximized and high-quality clicks through Click Choice. [/quote]

However, non-local business users won’t be able to log in to do keyword planning as in Google AdWords. Business ownership (e.g. registration numbers) is required to use the service.




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