CISCO security report, awkward nouns and verbs not reviewed


This is a typical example showing that the localized pages don’t meet the client’s business objectives. Unprofessional wordings always make the client’s target degraded.
Source: Is Your Security Up to Date?
Target: 귀사의 보안은 최신 상태입니까?
-> Literal wording sounds awkward.

Source: As cybercriminals increasingly profit from brazen attacks, your cyber-risk strategy is under the microscope. With the Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report, which analyzes advances by security industry and criminals, see how your peers assess security preparedness in their organizations and gain insights into where to strengthen your defenses.
Target: 사이버 범죄자들이 대담한 공격을 통해 얻는 수익이 점차 늘어남에 따라, 기업의 사이버 위험 전략은 점점 더 정교해지고 있습니다. Cisco 2016 연례 보안 보고서를 통해 보안 업계 및 사이버 범죄자들의 위협을 분석하고, 다른 조직에서는 보안 대비 상태를 어떻게 준비하는지 확인하며, 방어를 강화해야 할 지점이 어디인지에 대한 통찰력을 확보하십시오.
-> Awkward nouns and verbs don’t fit in context. 수익이 늘어남에 따라 (increasingly profit from), 정교해지고 (under the microscope). 지점이 어디인지에 대한 (where to strengthen your defenses), 통찰력을 확보 (gain insights)

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