Microsoft TechNet Evaluation Center, Dictionary meanings not fit in context


Customized. Connected. Cool.
맞춤화된. 온라인. 시험 사용 센터.
-> Dictionary meaning and awkwardly rephrased nouns don’t fit in the title string.

We’d like to introduce you to the new TechNet Evaluation Center—built to bring you a better evaluation experience on your laptop, tablet, or phone.
랩톱, 태블릿, 휴대폰 어디에서든 더 나은 평가 환경을 제공할 수 있도록 개선되었습니다.
-> Inappropriate demonostrative noun makes the tone awkward.

Start using the site today and chart your own personal evaluation path forward.
오늘 바로 사이트 사용을 시작하여 앞으로의 평가 계획을 그려 보십시오.
-> Literal wording sounds awkward in context.

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