Microsoft Azure: Member Offers, incorrect and awkward


Member Offers
회원 제안
-> “Offers” is translated into “suggestion” which is completely off of the meaning.

Monthly Azure credits for Visual Studio subscribers, and additional organization-wide credits for members of the Microsoft Partner Network and BizSpark programs.
Visual Studio 구독자를 위한 월간 Azure 크레딧과 Microsoft 파트너 네트워크 및 BizSpark 프로그램 회원을 위한 추가적인 조직 전체 크레딧입니다.
-> “additional organization-wide credits” reads word for word translation which sounds awkward and doesn”t deliver the meaning.

As a Visual Studio subscriber you receive a monthly credit to use on Azure services for development and testing. These credits go farther with discounted rates on Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, HDInsight, and Web Apps. Plus, you have access to pre-configured Windows 10 virtual machine images from the Azure Gallery.
Visual Studio 구독자는 개발 및 테스트 시 Azure 서비스에 사용할 월간 크레딧을 받게 됩니다. 이러한 크레딧은 가상 컴퓨터, 클라우드 서비스, HDInsight 및 웹앱에서 추가 할인율이 적용됩니다.
->Verb doesn’t agree to subject ending.azure_memberoffers_en azure_memberoffers_ko

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