Microsoft Visual Studio and Xamarin, Alien term in title

EN: KO: 모든 플랫폼향 개발 Target all platforms ->The string reads a meaningless noun ending so the title doesn’t serve the purpose. 어디에서든지 코드를 공유합니다. 같은 언어, API 및 데이터 구조를 사용하여 모든 모바일 개발 플랫폼에서 평균 75% 정도의 앱 코드를 공유해 보세요. Share code everywhere. Use the same language, APIs and data …

Azure Microservices, broken grammar in target

source: target: “Our Microservices in Azure Service Fabric will automatically scale up, begin unfolding space and seamlessly distribute the load across all the nodes in the system… Time not spent on server administration is directly added to game development, so using Microsoft Azure is a huge win for us, and our players.” “Azure …

Windows 10, Secure and simplify your IT: Literal meaning discredits the product

source: target: Embrace the opportunities that digital transformation has to offer with Windows 10 for your industry. 산업 부문에서 Windows 10이 선사해야 하는 디지털 전환 기회를 수용하세요. ->Sentence doesn’t flow due to the inappropriate verb “has to offer” and noun “digital transformation”. Literal meaning in target string won’t make sense at all. We’ve designed …