Azure Microservices, broken grammar in target


“Our Microservices in Azure Service Fabric will automatically scale up, begin unfolding space and seamlessly distribute the load across all the nodes in the system… Time not spent on server administration is directly added to game development, so using Microsoft Azure is a huge win for us, and our players.”
“Azure Service Fabric의 저희 마이크로 서비스는 자동으로 확장되고, 공간을 펼치기 시작하고, 시스템의 모든 노드 간에 부하를 원활하게 분산시킵니다… 서버 관리에 시간을 들이지 않고 바로 게임 개발에 더 많은 시간을 들일 수 있으므로 Microsoft Azure를 사용해서 저희에게나 플레이어에게나 엄청난 이득입니다.”
->Redundant and unnecessary subject in possessive form “저희” makes the sentence uncoordinated in terms of grammar. “begin unfolding space” reads dictionary meaning which doesn’t fit in context, thus it doesn’t make sense at all. “and our players” doesn’t agree to the subject and the sentence doesn’t flow either, since “game development and server administration” has nothing to do with players.

Start small, dream big. Get the scale, power, and global reach your startup demand to meet the needs of your customers as your business grows—without rearchitecting your applications. Run your apps at cloud scale with a rich set of services that allow you to focus all of your energy on building applications instead of managing infrastructure.
시작은 미약하지만 큰 꿈을 꾸세요. 스타트업이 비즈니스 성장에 따라 응용 프로그램을 다시 설계하지 않고 고객의 요구 사항을 충족하기 위해 필요한 확장성과 기능을 확보하고 전 세계로 확장하세요. 다양한 서비스 집합으로 앱을 클라우드 규모로 실행하여 모든 에너지를 인프라 관리가 아닌 응용 프로그램 빌드에 집중할 수 있게 하세요.
->Broken grammar with inappropriate noun endings doesn’t deliver the meaning in the second sentence. “startup”.is transliterated, which doesn’t connect with the term “business” in context. Verb doesn’t agree to the subject part due to a missing subject. “run your apps at cloud scale” reads word for word translation so it goes off of the meaning.

“The reality is that CareOtter, being a startup company, would have been very hard to do even 5 years ago. Service Fabric allows me to focus on the software that I build and not the infrastructure that runs it.”
“실제로 5년 전만해도 스타트업인 CareOtter는 일하기 매우 어려웠습니다. Service Fabric를 통해 소프트웨어를 실행하는 인프라가 아니라 빌드하는 소프트웨어 자체에 집중할 수 있습니다.”
->Incorrect translation of the verb “to do” distorts the meaning in context. “startup” doesn’t make sense again.

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