Azure Virtual Machines, functional errors


Use Azure Virtual Machines to create and run Linux virtual machines on Azure’s compute, networking, and storage infrastructure.
Azure Virtual Machines를 사용하여 Azure의 계산, 네트워킹 및 저장소 인프라에서 Linux 가상 컴퓨터를 만들고 실행하세요.
->The phrase explaining the functions “compute, networking, and storage infrastructure” reads literal meaning without having appropriate modifiers in context, which makes the line completely meaningless.

Scale to thousands of machines for internet-wide deployments, or run one for a few minutes to crunch some serious numbers: you’ll get both speed and consistency.
인터넷 전체 배포를 위해 수천 개 컴퓨터로 확장하든 한 컴퓨터를 몇 분 동안 실행하여 상당히 많은 수를 계산하든 빠르고 일관성 있게 수행할 수 있습니다.
->Another dictionary meaning “some serious numbers” doesn’t fit in context. The parallel options connecting with “or (optional meaning …하든 )” reads awkward flow.

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