Microsoft TechNet Evaluation Center, Dictionary meanings not fit in context

en-US: ko-KR: Customized. Connected. Cool. 맞춤화된. 온라인. 시험 사용 센터. -> Dictionary meaning and awkwardly rephrased nouns don’t fit in the title string. We’d like to introduce you to the new TechNet Evaluation Center—built to bring you a better evaluation experience on your laptop, tablet, or phone. 랩톱, 태블릿, 휴대폰 어디에서든 더 나은 …

CISCO security report, awkward nouns and verbs not reviewed

en-US: ko-KR: This is a typical example showing that the localized pages don’t meet the client’s business objectives. Unprofessional wordings always make the client’s target degraded. Source: Is Your Security Up to Date? Target: 귀사의 보안은 최신 상태입니까? -> Literal wording sounds awkward. Source: As cybercriminals increasingly profit from brazen attacks, your cyber-risk …

Microsoft Action Pack, Terminology mess-up

en-US: ko-KR: source: Microsoft Action Pack is a yearly subscription for businesses that want to begin, build, and grow their Microsoft practice in the cloud-first, mobile-first world through a wide range of software and benefits. target: Microsoft Action Pack은 다양한 소프트웨어와 혜택을 통해 클라우드 우선, 모바일 우선의 세상에서 Microsoft 사업을 시작, 구축 및 …

Microsoft Azure Media Indexer, broken sentence structure and literal wordings

en-US: ko-KR: Make your multimedia more discoverable and accessible 멀티미디어를 더 검색 및 액세스하기 쉽도록 만들기 -> Word-for-word translation sounds awkward in context. Choose from a rapidly growing selection of languages 빠르게 증가하는 언어 선택 항목 중에서 선택 -> It doesn’t make sense at all due to the literal wording. Using deep neural …