Meta marketing in Translation

Meta marketing in your own language   If you’re looking to reach a wider audience with your marketing efforts, consider using meta marketing. Meta marketing is a way of marketing in which you use multiple languages to reach a broader range of people. This can be an effective way to reach customers who speak different …

Games Translation

Guideline for games translation   When it comes to translating games, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to ensure a smooth and successful localization process. Here are some guidelines to follow: 1. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the game’s story and mechanics before starting the localization …

Guidelines for Transcriptions

Standard 3 types of transcription   There are three main types of transcription: verbatim, edited, and summary. Verbatim transcription is a word-for-word recording of everything that was said like “uh”, “ah,” “um,” and incomplete sentences during the interview or conversation. This type of transcription is useful for capturing the nuances and details of what was …

Honorifics in Japanese

How to use honorifics in Japanese   Honorifics are an important part of the Japanese language, and are used to show respect to others. Here are some basics on how to use them. When addressing someone by their first name, you should use the person’s last name followed by -san. For example, if your name …