12 people claiming “That’s my money.”

10 million yen (≈ U$73,500) in cash was discovered at a recyclable waste collection facility in Sapporo, and a week later, the Hokkaido Police had already received 12 complaints from people claiming to have lost the money. The police have since been struggling to identify the rightful owner among the group of claimants. Those who …

‘Customer is King’ killing businesses

  The owner of the restaurant felt helpless and frustrated as he had to comply with the customer’s refund request. After all, in the era of digitalization and with the rise of delivery apps, customer reviews and ratings have become increasingly important for businesses. The ‘Customer is King’ policy has been adopted by many companies …

Kidney for sale or donation?

  The Tokyo-based NPO ‘Intractable Disease Patients’ Support Group’ is suspected of arranging for kidney transplants for Japanese patients in Belarus without obtaining proper permits. The 62-year-old suspect, Kikuchi, has been accused of organ trafficking in August 2022 and is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police Department. Kikuchi is suspected of operating an illegal …

YouTube channel ‘Sister Yoon’

  The ‘Sister Yoon’ channel on Youtube offers an interesting story of an on foot delivery contract. This individual, a 44-year- old single, shares her experience and earnings from part-time work for Baemin, a food delivery app in South Korea. Sister Yoon explains that she earns an average of 3,124 won (U$3) per delivery and …