YouTube channel ‘Sister Yoon’

youtuber sister yoon


The ‘Sister Yoon’ channel on Youtube offers an interesting story of an on foot delivery contract. This individual, a 44-year- old single, shares her experience and earnings from part-time work for Baemin, a food delivery app in South Korea. Sister Yoon explains that she earns an average of 3,124 won (U$3) per delivery and made 53,120 won (U$53) in 6 hours and 34 minutes of work, delivering 17 orders of food. This is not a significant amount of money, considering the relatively short amount of time she worked. She also reveals that she earns approximately 1 million won per month from delivery work, but this does not include employment insurance. It is clear that she has found a way to make a decent amount of money without having to commit to a full-time job.

The individual explains that she chose delivery work as she prefers working alone and does not like being around a lot of people. She is able to work in her own time, without having to answer to a boss. This type of work is ideal for those who prefer to work independently and may not want the extra commitments that come with a full-time job. She has found a way to make money that fits her lifestyle and preferences.

Delivery work is a great choice for those who prioritize job satisfaction and mental well-being above more traditional forms of income. It offers a unique opportunity to work independently with a flexible schedule, as well as the satisfaction that comes with helping customers receive their items in a timely manner. The pay may not be as high as some other jobs, but the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment can make up for it. Plus, for those who work hard and efficiently, there is potential to make a decent amount of money. In short, delivery work is an excellent option for those who value job satisfaction and mental well-being.

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