‘Customer is King’ killing businesses



The owner of the restaurant felt helpless and frustrated as he had to comply with the customer’s refund request. After all, in the era of digitalization and with the rise of delivery apps, customer reviews and ratings have become increasingly important for businesses. The ‘Customer is King’ policy has been adopted by many companies and is a key contributor to the economic development of Korea. However, it can be extremely difficult for small business owners, especially those who are self-employed, to comply with the demands of customers. This was the case with the pig’s feet restaurant owner, who had no choice but to accept the customer’s refund request, despite having taken all the necessary precautions to ensure the food was safe and free of foreign substances. The second incident involved a customer who requested a refund after a delivery app refused to take their order. The customer was again known for malicious refunds and the restaurant owner was left with no choice but to comply. Once again, the owner had to accept the refund request, even though the order was refused by the delivery app. This highlights the importance of customer service policies in today’s digital world and how companies must be prepared to handle customer complaints and refund requests in order to maintain their reputation and business.

The second incident, which occurred at a shrimp tempura restaurant, was even more tragic. The customer had requested a refund for one of their fried shrimps, and subsequently left a one-star rating and hateful remarks. The owner of the restaurant, who was already under considerable stress, was deeply affected by the customer’s words and actions. Sadly, the owner passed away shortly after from a brain hemorrhage.

malicious refunds


These two incidents emphasize the immense pressure and stress that self-employed individuals in the food delivery market must grapple with on a daily basis. Reviews and ratings can have an enormous impact on their business, and it is not uncommon for a single bad review to make or break a small business. The consequences of a negative review can be devastating, both emotionally and financially, and it is important to consider the human cost of such reviews before submitting them.

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