Public bathhouses in small towns after pandemic

public bathhouses in Korea


As the number of privately-owned bathhouses across South Korea continues to decrease at an alarming rate, local governments have stepped in to invest in publicly run facilities. According to Statistics Korea, the number of bathhouses has decreased by a staggering 38% in the last two decades, with the most significant drops occurring in rural areas. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in areas with a relatively small ageing population, where private bathhouses are simply not economically viable. In response, many local governments are investing in the construction of public bathhouses to provide residents with a cheap and easily accessible source of sanitation. This not only helps to ensure that elderly residents can access essential facilities, but also helps to reduce the burden on other services such as hospitals.

However, in some areas, the influx of tourists has put an unsustainable strain on the resources of local bathhouses. To combat this, some local authorities have resorted to increasing prices to limit demand from outside sources. This is a controversial move, as it has been argued that this could further disadvantage elderly people who are already struggling to afford basic services. Furthermore, there are concerns that this could have a detrimental impact on the local tourist industry, as it could ultimately drive people away from the area.

Public bathhouses are a vital resource for communities in rural areas, allowing people to access basic sanitation without having to pay the high costs of private facilities. Moreover, they provide a higher standard of hygiene, as they are more likely to be held to regulations and properly maintained. Investing in public bathhouses is an important step that local governments can take in order to ensure that all South Koreans have access to essential sanitation, regardless of their financial situation or geographic location. This is especially important in more rural and isolated parts of the country, where access to basic amenities can be more limited. By making public bathhouses available, local governments can help to bridge the gap between those in more affluent areas and those in less privileged ones. Furthermore, public bathhouses can be used to help promote hygiene habits and practices, as they provide a space for people to learn how to properly care for their bodies. In this way, public bathhouses can help to enhance the quality of life for everyone in South Korea.

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