Being competitive with emotional distress in Korean education

competition in Korean education


The Korean education system is highly competitive, and as a result, many students seek additional education from private institutions after school. These institutions, which provide specialized guidance for entrance exams, are often expensive. Some parents are spending millions of won per month in order to give their children the best possible education. According to a recent report, private education expenses for elementary, middle, and high school students in the previous year amounted to 26 trillion won, a significant increase of 11% from the previous year. This indicates that the cost of private education is becoming increasingly expensive. The average monthly cost for private education is now 524,000 won, and this cost has steadily risen due to inflation and increased demand for supplementary learning caused by the shift to remote classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This rise in private education costs has had a detrimental effect on many families who are already struggling to make ends meet. It has also caused an influx of students to public schools, creating overcrowded classrooms and a more stressful learning environment. To alleviate the financial burden of private education, the government has implemented various policies such as subsidies and tax deductions to help families cope with the cost of private education. Despite these measures, many parents are still struggling to afford the cost of private education, and the situation is unlikely to improve any time soon.

competition in Korean education


tkPrivate elementary schools that offer various classes after school have become increasingly popular among parents looking for lower educational costs. This trend is largely due to the fact that these schools are often more affordable than their public counterparts, allowing parents to save money while still providing their children with a quality education. Furthermore, private schools offer a variety of classes after school, allowing students to explore a wide range of subjects that they may not be able to access at a public school.

A recent survey found that expenditure on private education increases with parental income and the number of children. This suggests that those who are able to afford it are more likely to opt for private schooling for their children. This could be due to the fact that private schools tend to have smaller class sizes, allowing for more individualized instruction and attention from teachers. Additionally, private schools may offer more opportunities for extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and clubs, which can be beneficial for a child’s overall development.

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