The harmful effects of global warming

climate change


The ocean’s growing temperatures are having a considerable effect on the nearby freshwater, transforming it into saltwater and providing an ideal habitat for shellfish such as oysters. The passage particularly mentions that oysters are common in Korea and need salt and minerals to live. During April’s spawning season, they can be seen in abundance in the southern and western seas. This influx of seawater has created a favorable environment for shellfish like oysters to inhabit together. Additionally, Gyeongpo Lake is a brackish lake where freshwater and seawater mix, with its entrance holding a salt concentration of 15-20 permil that is comparable to the sea’s 34 permil salinity level.

The melting snow in the Gangneung region provides nutrients to the lake, leading to an increase in the seawater temperature and creating an abundance of food for the oysters. Additionally, pearl mussels and seaweed can be found in Lake Gyeongpo, making it essential to research the transformations of this coastal lagoon.

The consequences of climate change on the ocean and any adjacent bodies of fresh water are significant. Increased ocean temperatures have caused a shift in the chemistry of freshwater, affecting the creatures that inhabit it. Furthermore, different species like oysters, pearl mussels, and seaweed need specific environmental conditions to co-exist in the same habitat. Consequently, it is essential to monitor and analyze how climate change influences different ecosystems and species. By comprehending how organisms react to changing environmental conditions, we can take preventive action to reduce the damaging impacts of climate change and safeguard at-risk habitats and species.

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