The harmful effects of global warming

  The ocean’s growing temperatures are having a considerable effect on the nearby freshwater, transforming it into saltwater and providing an ideal habitat for shellfish such as oysters. The passage particularly mentions that oysters are common in Korea and need salt and minerals to live. During April’s spawning season, they can be seen in abundance …

Food poisoning from street food

  Last year, approximately 400 individuals who participated in a festival in Busan suffered from food poisoning, displaying symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. The source of the contamination was identified to be perfringens, a bacterium that can develop heat-resistant spores when exposed to higher temperatures; these spores allow it to stay inactive until …

Abandoning a newborn baby

  After having a baby, a mother left the maternity clinic ahead of schedule to attend to postnatal care, but her family was due to collect the baby in a few days. When an individual in their 30s arrived at the hospital claiming to be the mother, staff were immediately dubious. After more investigation it …