A hit-and-run in Amagasaki city

The family of four was involved in an accident while driving through Amagasaki City. They had stopped at a red light when their car was hit from behind by another vehicle. The shock of the collision caused the couple’s 4-year-old son to be speechless. The family tried to move their car to a safer area, …

Monkeypox in local communities

The chill of dread has spread across the nation as the number of Mpox patients soars to thirteen. The latest three cases have all been traced back to local communities, with one in Seoul and two in Gyeongnam. In an unprecedented move, a new patient was discovered during an epidemiological investigation into the twelfth case. …

GSDF helicopter went missing

  A helicopter carrying ten soldiers, including the commander of the 8th Division of the Ground Self-Defense Force, disappeared on April 6th near Miyako Island in Okinawa Prefecture. As of April 18th, six of them have been found, and all confirmed dead. The search continues for the remaining four. On April 16th, a piece of …

Kimchi wars continue…

Recently, there has been a substantial issue with the supply and pricing of kimchi in South Korea due to an incident of severe rainfall resulting in a bridge running through the center of Seoul being completely submerged. This has caused a dramatic decrease in yield for cabbage, which is an essential ingredient for kimchi, as …

1 in 3 marriages end in divorce

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare projects that the number of divorces in Japan will reach 184,386 in 2021. Although the overall number has been declining since 2000, there has been an increase in the percentage of middle-aged divorces with 21.5% having been married for 20 years or more in 2020. The primary …