1 in 3 marriages end in divorce

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare projects that the number of divorces in Japan will reach 184,386 in 2021. Although the overall number has been declining since 2000, there has been an increase in the percentage of middle-aged divorces with 21.5% having been married for 20 years or more in 2020. The primary causes for divorce vary between genders with personality mismatch being a common factor among both husbands and wives; however, husbands are more likely to cite poor relationships with family and relatives as a cause while wives are more likely to name not giving living expenses as a reason for divorce.

The importance of love and money in marriage was explored, with responses indicating relatively equal consideration from both genders. However, men tended to view money as a way of providing security for family and marital relationships, whereas women viewed it as a means to maintain the relationship after love fades. Both sexes ultimately concurred that love is the foundation for a successful marriage. Okinawa had the highest divorce rate among Japanese prefectures, while Niigata had the lowest. No analysis has been done on why this ranking was achieved, but it may reflect regional characteristics.

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