Monkeypox in local communities

The chill of dread has spread across the nation as the number of Mpox patients soars to thirteen. The latest three cases have all been traced back to local communities, with one in Seoul and two in Gyeongnam. In an unprecedented move, a new patient was discovered during an epidemiological investigation into the twelfth case. All those affected are receiving antiviral treatment for the dreaded disease.

The sixth patient, who lives in Jeonnam, is the first to have caught the virus through local transmission. They recently came into contact with someone in Busan, and health authorities are still trying to figure out exactly who that person was. It is fortunate that none of the 36 people who were around this individual showed any signs of Mpox. The seventh and eighth patients were identified as having Mpox after displaying fevers and skin rashes. The authorities are investigating further to trace how the virus spread. In order to avoid additional transmissions, people should take precautions when engaging in close contact with others. Despite this, officials remain adamant that there is no need yet to raise the infectious disease crisis alert from its current caution level.

mpox virus


<source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases>

The authorities have strongly warned against close contact in any situation. All potential cases of infection should be reported right away. The relevant government departments and dermatologists must be alerted so they can take the necessary measures to prevent further spread of the virus. Moreover, anyone who has been exposed to an infected person should notify the Disease Control Center immidiately.

This situation is being monitored around the clock. In order to keep everyone safe, it is essential that individuals remain vigilant and follow all necessary precautions in order to prevent further spread of this virus.

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