Going too fast over a speed bump

On a dark night, a 24-year-old deliveryman was fatally injured when his motorcycle went airborne and flipped over while traversing a speed bump on a downhill road. After arriving at the hospital in cardiac arrest, he sadly passed away. It was later discovered that the height of the bumps had been increased during maintenance just before the accident but had not been repainted to indicate this change.

Unfortunately, another incident occurred at the same location a week after the fatal accident. This time, an elderly motorcyclist was gravely hurt after striking a speed bump while not slowing down. It was determined that the speed bumps involved in both accidents did not abide by government-mandated specifications as they were more than 12cm tall. This violated the regulation which states that speed bumps should not be higher than 10cm on roads with a width of 3.6m or less. It is important to remember that even minor discrepancies from suggested height limits for speed bumps can be dangerous for drivers and passengers alike.

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