A dangerous spot for filming

Tochigi Prefecture is known for its scenic beauty and popular tourist spots. One such spot is a railway track that runs through a picturesque countryside. The railway track is a favorite among train enthusiasts who come here to capture the beauty of the passing trains. However, the recent incident at this popular photo spot has raised concerns about the safety of such activities.

On a bright sunny day, three railway enthusiasts arrived at the spot armed with their camera equipment. They were eager to capture the perfect shot of a passing train. As they set up their equipment, they failed to notice the approaching train. The train driver honked the horn and applied the emergency brakes to avoid hitting the intruders.

The trio was taken aback by the sudden stop of the train and hurriedly left their camera equipment behind. The train driver was able to avert what could have been a serious accident. However, the incident caused a 14-minute delay in train service. Local residents have reported that this photo spot attracts many train enthusiasts. However, some of them are ill-mannered and leave behind garbage or set up ladders in the middle of the road to take pictures. This risky behavior of enthusiasts is worrying, as even a small mistake can lead to a serious accident.

The authorities have urged visitors to this photo spot to be mindful of their safety and that of others. They have also cautioned against trespassing on railway tracks and disrupting train services. The railway track is not a playground and should be treated with respect. While it is understandable that train enthusiasts are passionate about capturing the beauty of passing trains, it is important to do so in a safe and responsible manner. The recent incident at this popular photo spot in Tochigi Prefecture serves as a reminder that safety should always be a top priority.

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