Ennosuke Ichikawa, a renowned actor in Japan’s classical kabuki theater, has been taken into custody by police on suspicion of aiding his mother’s suicide. Last month, when emergency responders arrived at his residence in Tokyo, they found his 76-year-old father and 75-year-old mother unconscious. Both were later pronounced dead due to what is believed to …
Day: 27 June 2023
Making off without payment
An incident occurred at a chicken eatery in Cheonan, South Korea. A gathering of 10 customers visited the restaurant and requested a generous measure of liquor and food. In any case, while they were eating, a man in the kitchen made a signal to the gathering. All of a sudden, everyone in the gathering got …
A sign of anger management issues
The people of Incheon, South Korea have been feeling disgruntled for a while now due to a car parked at the front of a shopping center’s car park, hindering the road for some time. It is believed that the car’s owner is absent, and the police have been on the receiving end of criticism for …