Toxic Work Environment: Big Motor’s Harassment and Communication Woes

A screenshot of a LINE conversation was obtained by FNN, showing former Big Motor president Kanesige using the word “stupid” three times and making negative comments about customers. Baka (馬鹿 or ばか) is a Japanese term considered a swear or curse word, carrying the connotations of “idiot,” “jackass,” “dumbass,” or “unthinking fool.” (Apologies for the …

Mirai no Mori Gakuen’s Human Rights Violations

  On July 10th, the Japanese Immigration Services Agency imposed a sanction on the Sendai language school, “Mirai no Mori Gakuen”, preventing them from taking in foreign students for the next five years. This is due to accusations of ill treatment of international students. The school had allegedly made some students sign contracts that would …