A determined daughter’s quest for a picnic adventure

The story quickly spread everywhere. It was a phone conversation between a manager and a girl who identifies herself as the daughter of someone referred to as “OOO.” The manager initially doesn’t recognize the girl but soon discovers that she is OOO’s daughter. The conversation takes place in the context of a planned two-day picnic for the employees of a small and medium-sized business.

At the beginning of the conversation, the girl greets the manager and asks how they are doing. The manager is unsure about the identity of the caller and inquires about it. The girl then reveals that she is the daughter of OOO, whom the manager is familiar with. The manager responds with a simple greeting.

The girl informs the manager that her father is going to the picnic. However, she expresses her disappointment, stating that she begged her father to take her along but he refused, teasing her about taking only her brother. The girl and the manager share a lighthearted laugh about the situation.

The manager then suggests that the girl should join the picnic as well. The girl seems surprised and asks if she can really join. The manager confirms this and laughs again. The manager concludes the conversation by stating that the issue is resolved and that they will speak to the girl’s father about it. The girl acknowledges this, and the call ends.

Girl: How are you?
Manager: Who am I spaking to?
Girl: Do you know OOO?
Manager: Yes.
Girl: I’m OOO’s daughter.
Manager: Hi.
Girl: Dad says he’s going to a picnic.
Manager: Yes, he’s going to the picnic.
Girl: But I begged him to take me to the picnic.
Manager: My dad kept teasing me about taking only my brother.
Girl: Hahaha. Wait, wait, wait.
Manager: Oops, okay, so?
Girl: Don’t let my brother go, don’t let my dad go, either.
Manager: Then, you can join the picnic.
Girl: Oh, can I?
Manager: Yes, hahaha.
Girl: Heh heh!
Manager: You can come, right?
Girl: Yes.
Manager: Then it’s solved. Uh, yes I’ll talk to dad.
Girl: Yes.

Later, the contents of the call become public when the girl’s father shares the information on an online community. When asked about the situation, the father explains that his daughter managed to obtain the contact information of the CEO and executive director while he was asleep and decided to reach out to them. He expresses his determination to support his daughter in whatever she chooses to do, believing she has the potential to succeed. The father also mentions that the company is relatively small, implying that there is a friendly and close relationship between the managers and employees.

Overall, the story highlights the unexpected phone conversation between the manager and the determined girl who takes the initiative to join the company picnic. It showcases the informal and friendly nature of the business environment, as well as the father’s belief in his daughter’s capabilities.

There is an interesting point regarding the girl’s statement and its possible cultural implications. It’s important to note that interpreting a single statement in isolation can be challenging without additional context. However, based solely on the conversation provided, the girl’s statement, “Don’t let my brother go, don’t let my dad go, either,” could indeed suggest a certain level of frustration or anger on her part due to her exclusion from the picnic.

Cultural differences could potentially play a role in how this statement is perceived. While it’s true that in some North American cultures, it may be less common for a child to express their frustration in such a direct manner, it’s essential to remember that cultural norms can vary significantly, even within the same country. Therefore, it’s difficult to make a definitive judgment about what is “normal” or “abnormal” based solely on cultural expectations.

Additionally, individual personality traits and family dynamics can greatly influence how children express their emotions, irrespective of cultural backgrounds. It’s possible that the girl’s direct and assertive statement reflects her unique personality or her familiarity with expressing her desires openly within her family. However, I find it very interesting and don’t quite understand the cultural context from what the girl said. As well, I’m kind of worried about the family dynamics and the specific relationship between the girl and her family members.



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