Toxic Work Environment: Big Motor’s Harassment and Communication Woes

A screenshot of a LINE conversation was obtained by FNN, showing former Big Motor president Kanesige using the word “stupid” three times and making negative comments about customers. Baka (馬鹿 or ばか) is a Japanese term considered a swear or curse word, carrying the connotations of “idiot,” “jackass,” “dumbass,” or “unthinking fool.” (Apologies for the strong language!) However, it’s important to note that the meaning of baka is heavily influenced by the context in which it is used. Our resident Japanese expert clarifies that “Baka (馬鹿)” refers to a foolish or unintelligent person and is commonly employed as an insulting term. A current employee claims this behavior is common and even though management has changed, harassment culture remains prevalent at the company. Additionally, there are concerns over withered street trees in front of stores indicating deforestation.

Big Motor stores in Sapporo and Osaka have experienced withered street trees, leading to removals. Officials from Osaka City inspected the Higashi Sumiyoshi store but were unable to get details due to staff changes. Big Motor expressed reluctance when proposed replacing the trees and their new President acknowledged past leniency towards herbicide use despite images suggesting otherwise on Google Street View. Replanting a single tree can cost around 100-200k yen if it withers, according to experts.

The use of herbicides on street trees at Big Motor has raised concerns and investigations will be conducted by the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike. She expressed discomfort with Big Motor’s stance as taxpayers’ money covers their costs.


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