Azure Virtual Machines, functional errors

English: Korean: Use Azure Virtual Machines to create and run Linux virtual machines on Azure’s compute, networking, and storage infrastructure. Azure Virtual Machines를 사용하여 Azure의 계산, 네트워킹 및 저장소 인프라에서 Linux 가상 컴퓨터를 만들고 실행하세요. ->The phrase explaining the functions “compute, networking, and storage infrastructure” reads literal meaning without having appropriate modifiers in …

Microsoft Visual Studio and Xamarin, Alien term in title

EN: KO: 모든 플랫폼향 개발 Target all platforms ->The string reads a meaningless noun ending so the title doesn’t serve the purpose. 어디에서든지 코드를 공유합니다. 같은 언어, API 및 데이터 구조를 사용하여 모든 모바일 개발 플랫폼에서 평균 75% 정도의 앱 코드를 공유해 보세요. Share code everywhere. Use the same language, APIs and data …

Windows 10, Secure and simplify your IT: Literal meaning discredits the product

source: target: Embrace the opportunities that digital transformation has to offer with Windows 10 for your industry. 산업 부문에서 Windows 10이 선사해야 하는 디지털 전환 기회를 수용하세요. ->Sentence doesn’t flow due to the inappropriate verb “has to offer” and noun “digital transformation”. Literal meaning in target string won’t make sense at all. We’ve designed …

Microsoft Azure: Member Offers, incorrect and awkward

EN: KO: Member Offers 회원 제안 -> “Offers” is translated into “suggestion” which is completely off of the meaning. Monthly Azure credits for Visual Studio subscribers, and additional organization-wide credits for members of the Microsoft Partner Network and BizSpark programs. Visual Studio 구독자를 위한 월간 Azure 크레딧과 Microsoft 파트너 네트워크 및 BizSpark 프로그램 …

Microsoft Azure: API apps

en-US: ko-KR: API Apps videos 동영상 API 앱개 -> An alien term in the title. Proofing is required!