Microsoft Azure, business term with a dictionary meaning

en-US: ko-KR: Dictionary meaning won’t deliver the intention of the writing. “rethinking” reads a dictionary meaning so the meaning goes flat. The verb “to recite” notes honorific form so the tone goes off of the context due to the inconsistent wording. Also it doesn’t agree to the subject part.  Last sentence is so …

Apple iCloud 애플 클라우드 awkward wordings

source: target: Start here. Finish there. 여기에서 시작하고, 저기에서 끝내세요. This is a typical word-for-word delivery. You can create amazing documents and presentations on your … …로 멋진 문서와 프레젠테이션을 만들 수 있습니다. ‘presentations’ is a literal meaning and doesn’t fit in context since ‘프레젠테이션’ should come with 소개 (present/introduce) instead of 만들다 …

Microsoft 마이크로소프트 awkward wordings

source: target:                     Get Windows 8 Pro on your current PC for an amazing price. 놀라운 가격으로 지금 여러분의 PC에 Windows 8 Pro를 설치하세요. The noun ending 가격으로 (amazing price) doesn’t fit in context since it is taken as a means to install Windows …

Apple 애플 awkward wordings

Apple Korean pageMeaningless redundant repeat in image text due to the literal delivery: target: iPhone 이래 가장 획기적인 iPhone (The most innovative iPhone since iPhone) Does “every inch” imply “모든 면에서 (in all aspects)? 오므리다 and 쓸어넘기다 need to be sanitized with better terms instead of meaningless awkward functional verbs in context.