Apple 애플 awkward wordings

Apple Korean pageMeaningless redundant repeat in image text due to the literal delivery: target: iPhone 이래 가장 획기적인 iPhone (The most innovative iPhone since iPhone) Does “every inch” imply “모든 면에서 (in all aspects)? 오므리다 and 쓸어넘기다 need to be sanitized with better terms instead of meaningless awkward functional verbs in context.

Jae Min 민재홍

My name is Jae Min 민재홍. I am a Korean translator and interpreter. I’ve been working in IT and translation industry since 2005 (longer with my school years).  As myself as a translator in the language pairs, EN<>KO, DE>KO, JP>KO, I’ve been trying to generate natural wordings when involved with translating and editing. As time …

Apple 애플 02 image

source: target: “for everyone on your list” is nicely rephrased with “for those who I would like to thank and show my love” However, “전하다(show/deliver)” is unnecessarily repeated and makes the flowing unnatural. The second sentence tone doesn’t get along with the preceding sentence due to the verb tone transition. 무료로 배송해 드립니다 …

Apple 애플 01 footer

source: target: The footer title “about” is translated into …에 관하여 which is rarely used in Korean websites and is taken as a ‘literal’ translation. The common term for web contents should be 소개 in this case.