Google Web History 구글 웹 기록: broken grammar and alien term 04

source: Your history helps you find what you’re looking for faster and gives you quick access to pages you’ve visited before. 웹 기록은 사용자가 찾고자 하는 것을 더 빠르게 찾아주고 이전에 방문했던 페이지에 빠르게 액세스할 수 있게 합니다. ->The translation reads a typical illegal verb ending following English grammar and sentence structure. Visual Search …

Google Dashboard 구글 대시보드: awkward syntax 02

source: Google Dashboard offers a simple view into the data associated with your Google Account. Google 대시보드로 Google 계정과 연결된 데이터를 간편하게 볼 수 있습니다. ->The subject noun ending 대시보드로 reads a means which is somewhat awkward. A directional ending 에서 would be more appropriate. Security Note: To maintain your safety and privacy we … 멜라녹스 테크놀로지: semantically broken 01

source: target: Digital effects manipulation, 3D rendering, and other staples of today’s media production industry rely on rapid processing of enormous amounts of data. An all-digital, feature-length product can require many months of computer rendering time, providing strong incentive for IT managers to boost data center performance and speed time-to-market. 디지털 효과 조작, … 델타항공: inconsistent term 28

source: target: “T4” reads three different spellings in the same page. Are they all different? 제4 터미널, T4, and 터미널 4