Microsoft Azure, inappropriate terms and inconsistency ruin marketing strategy

en-US: ko-KR: Translating, proofreading, and reviewing won’t deliver the quality work when internal communication goes one way. “Termination fees” doesn’t fit in target. “Example pricing” doesn’t also fit in target. “Starting from” doesn’t make sense at all incontext.  

Microsoft Azure: Literal wordings discolouring the original brightness

en-US: ko-KR: 계층 1급 성능을 쉽게 사용할 수 있게 해주는 관계형 DaaS(Database-as-a-Service) A relational database-as-a-service that makes tier-1 capabilities easily accessible -> ‘tier-1’ reads redundant meaning, which is not used in local market. ‘accessible’ is awkwardly rephrased which is a typical example of literal translation. 비즈니스급 응용 프로그램을 위해 클라우드 효율성을 활용하는 고객 …