Apple iPhone 애플 아이폰 awkward wordings

source: target: 놀랄 만큼 날씬해진 디자인에 디스플레이는 더 커지고 칩은 더 빨라졌습니다. The structure of the three phrases in the sentence are not consistent so the sentence reads awkward flow. The first one reads modifier+subject, the second subject+verb, the third subject+verb. As well, the shortened subjects in the second and third can be …

cisco 시스코 awkward wordings

source: target: 원하는 비즈니스 방향으로 시행착오 없이 정확하게 나아갈 수 있도록 시스코가 도와드리겠습니다. Awkward: 비즈니스 방향으로 (following its business plan). 방향 (directional noun) doesn’t get along with the preceding noun “business” in context due to the mixed form with English and Korean. 비즈니스 플랜 (business plan) would be more natural. The subject in … 링크드인 awkward wordings

source: target: “professionals” is translated into “비즈니스인 (busines sman)” which is indexed in neither KO>EN nor EN>KO dictionary. The standard/common term needs to be considered, specially for social networking contents.               It sounds awkward due to the double subjects and double object endings in short sentence. The …

Apple 애플 awkward wordings

Apple Korean pageMeaningless redundant repeat in image text due to the literal delivery: target: iPhone 이래 가장 획기적인 iPhone (The most innovative iPhone since iPhone) Does “every inch” imply “모든 면에서 (in all aspects)? 오므리다 and 쓸어넘기다 need to be sanitized with better terms instead of meaningless awkward functional verbs in context.

Linkedin 링크드인 awkward wording

source: target: There is a space error, …일 간. A basic grammar is dealt uncautiously. Literal/Awkward wording. You have shown up in search results 11 times in teh past 30 days. 다른 사람들의 (to other users) is an unnecessary addition since my profile is shown to others anyways when users search. 검색 결과에 …