Apple iPhone 애플 아이폰 awkward wordings

source: target: 놀랄 만큼 날씬해진 디자인에 디스플레이는 더 커지고 칩은 더 빨라졌습니다. The structure of the three phrases in the sentence are not consistent so the sentence reads awkward flow. The first one reads modifier+subject, the second subject+verb, the third subject+verb. As well, the shortened subjects in the second and third can be … 링크드인 awkward wordings

source: target:                 The alien term 비즈니스인 really bothers me. “share your knowledge and help your network”: Awkward passive verb form in target 특별 소개되세요 which literally means “be introduced specially.” The sentence 전문가가 되어… 되세요 is completely broken.               …

Crema 크레마 iOS/Android broken grammar

Crema 크레마 iOS/Android app (ebook app) 때 (at the time of) doesn’t fit into the context since the time adverb is usually used in speech. It should be replaced with 도서 다운로드 및 스크랩 리스트 동기화 시 요금이 과다 청구될 수 있습니다. First off, the warning sentence is not appropriate in terms of meeting the …