Apple iPhone 애플 아이폰 awkward wordings

source: target: 놀랄 만큼 날씬해진 디자인에 디스플레이는 더 커지고 칩은 더 빨라졌습니다. The structure of the three phrases in the sentence are not consistent so the sentence reads awkward flow. The first one reads modifier+subject, the second subject+verb, the third subject+verb. As well, the shortened subjects in the second and third can be …

Jae Min 민재홍

My name is Jae Min 민재홍. I am a Korean translator and interpreter. I’ve been working in IT and translation industry since 2005 (longer with my school years).  As myself as a translator in the language pairs, EN<>KO, DE>KO, JP>KO, I’ve been trying to generate natural wordings when involved with translating and editing. As time …

Apple 애플 02 image

source: target: “for everyone on your list” is nicely rephrased with “for those who I would like to thank and show my love” However, “전하다(show/deliver)” is unnecessarily repeated and makes the flowing unnatural. The second sentence tone doesn’t get along with the preceding sentence due to the verb tone transition. 무료로 배송해 드립니다 …

Apple 애플 01 footer

source: target: The footer title “about” is translated into …에 관하여 which is rarely used in Korean websites and is taken as a ‘literal’ translation. The common term for web contents should be 소개 in this case.