Apple iCloud 애플 클라우드 awkward wordings

source: target: Start here. Finish there. 여기에서 시작하고, 저기에서 끝내세요. This is a typical word-for-word delivery. You can create amazing documents and presentations on your … …로 멋진 문서와 프레젠테이션을 만들 수 있습니다. ‘presentations’ is a literal meaning and doesn’t fit in context since ‘프레젠테이션’ should come with 소개 (present/introduce) instead of 만들다 … 링크드인 awkward wordings

source: Thai restaurant 태국 식당 reads literal in context. It was supposed to be 태국 음식 전문점 (a restaurant specialising in Thai foods). The current translation doesn’t take a role for localisation. a direct response marketer 고객을 일대일로 대하는 영업 직원 “일대일로 대하는” sounds awkward due to the literal translation. 일대일 (one on one) …

Apple iPhone 애플 아이폰 awkward wordings

source: target: 놀랄 만큼 날씬해진 디자인에 디스플레이는 더 커지고 칩은 더 빨라졌습니다. The structure of the three phrases in the sentence are not consistent so the sentence reads awkward flow. The first one reads modifier+subject, the second subject+verb, the third subject+verb. As well, the shortened subjects in the second and third can be … 링크드인 awkward wordings

source: target:                 The alien term 비즈니스인 really bothers me. “share your knowledge and help your network”: Awkward passive verb form in target 특별 소개되세요 which literally means “be introduced specially.” The sentence 전문가가 되어… 되세요 is completely broken.               …

Apple 애플 awkward wordings

Apple Korean pageMeaningless redundant repeat in image text due to the literal delivery: target: iPhone 이래 가장 획기적인 iPhone (The most innovative iPhone since iPhone) Does “every inch” imply “모든 면에서 (in all aspects)? 오므리다 and 쓸어넘기다 need to be sanitized with better terms instead of meaningless awkward functional verbs in context.