The Complexities of Environmental Localization

Environmental localization involves tailoring products and services to meet the unique needs of different countries or regions, considering factors such as language, culture, and regulations. This practice is essential for fostering global awareness and action on environmental issues while contributing to the growth of the green economy. However, it comes with challenges. A significant hurdle …

Syntax and Semantics in Translation

In linguistics, syntax and semantics are two fundamental aspects that deal with different dimensions of language. – Syntax: Syntax deals with the rules and structure of a language, specifically focusing on the arrangement of words in sentences and the grammatical principles governing sentence construction. It emphasizes the formal aspect of language, examining how words are …

Microsoft Azure, IT term goes astray

en-US: ko-KR: EN: gibibyte, or base 2 definition KO: gibibyte, 또는 기본 2 정의라고도 합니다. -> IT term “Base 2” is not translated correctly.  

Intel, High Performance Computing, literal wordings on a top-notch technology

en-US: ko-KR: en: High Performance Computing in Energy-Related Processes ko: 에너지 관련 프로세스의 고성능 컴퓨팅 -> Word-for-word translation doesn’t deliver the meaning. en: Big Data ko: 대규모 데이터 -> One of the tags reads mistranslation. Learn how Intel® technologies—from Intel® Xeon® processor-based workstations and HPC clusters connected with Intel® True Scale Fabric to …