emirates.com 에미레이트 항공: semantically broken 02

source: http://www.emirates.com/kr/english/index.aspx target: http://www.emirates.com/kr/korean/index.aspx Emirates Skywards Members must login to redeem Miles and search for Skywards Flex Fares. 에미레이트 Skywards 회원들은 마일리지를 이용하시거나 Skywards Flex 요금을  검색하시려면 로그인 하세요. ->Honorific expressions are awkwardly and inconsistently applied. Return 왕복 ->Wrong translation. The term doesn’t deliver the meaning. 날짜 Flexible Dates ->Wrong translation. The term doesn’t deliver …

delta.com 델타항공: semantically broken 13

source: http://www.delta.com/ target: http://ko.delta.com/ Reach your dream destination even sooner with SkyMiles. 스카이마일스와 함께 꿈의 목적지에 더 빨리 도착하십시오. ->The sentence follows English grammar. Does ‘SkyMiles’ make the arrival faster? ‘dream destination’ delivers a dictionary meaning so it doesn’t fit in travel context. From A to ZZZ Book a hotel at delta.com A에서 ZZZ까지 delta.com에서 …

eurail.com 유레일: semantically broken 09

source: http://www.eurail.com/eurail-passes/deals-discounts target: http://kr.eurail.com/eurail-passes/deals-discounts Like Vind ik leuk ->The link button reads Dutch. Check out the Eurail discounts for youth travelers, children and groups and don’t forget that we offer free shipping to 10 countries. The Eurail pass also gives you great savings on certain European ferry routes. 유스, 어린이, 단체 여행을 위한 유레일 할인 …

eurail.com 유레일: semantically broken 01

source: http://eurail.com/terms-and-conditions/booking-terms target: http://kr.eurail.com/terms-and-conditions/booking-terms                                                 Delivery times stated on the website are indicative only. Eurail.Com does its best to deliver the pass on time, but will not be held responsible for any …