Microsoft Service Fabric, unbuyable broken grammar in target

Build and operate always-on, hyper-scale services 항상 사용할 수 있는 초대형 서비스 빌드 및 운영 -> Dictionary meanings for “always-on” and “hyper-scale” don’t fit in context. “operate always-on” doesn’t mean “usable whenever it needs” and “hyper” not “super-sized” Build apps with scalability, reliability, and low latency 확장성, 안정성 및 짧은 대기 시간을 제공하는 앱 빌드 …

Joint Commission International: semantically broken 02

source: target: In short event info., the translations are not consistent. The event titles deliver the order of the source so it doesn’t make sense at all. The date formats and the order of country/city names are not consistent. Hospital Build & Infrastructure Middle East 3-5 June 2013 • Dubai, United Arab Emirates …

Joint Commission International: semantically broken

source: target: The title ‘People’ is inconsistently translated and a dictionary term is used, which makes the tone awkward. ‘More people’ reads a grade-1 level of wording in context. The body sentences are semantically broken and the grammar won’t register at the appropriate level. The objects 환자중심인 해결책을(patient-centric solutions) and 환자 안전 실행을 …