Microsoft License Agreement :: Ungrammatical sentences

EN: KO: Verbs read passive forms to follow EN grammar. Nouns don’t fit in context. Local grammar is not observed. Some verbs are exaggerated in meaning. new features, and/or the addition of any new Web properties to the Web Site) 새 기능 및/또는 추가 기능에는 require distributors and external end users to …

Microsoft Azure, IT term goes astray

en-US: ko-KR: EN: gibibyte, or base 2 definition KO: gibibyte, 또는 기본 2 정의라고도 합니다. -> IT term “Base 2” is not translated correctly.  

Intel, High Performance Computing, literal wordings on a top-notch technology

en-US: ko-KR: en: High Performance Computing in Energy-Related Processes ko: 에너지 관련 프로세스의 고성능 컴퓨팅 -> Word-for-word translation doesn’t deliver the meaning. en: Big Data ko: 대규모 데이터 -> One of the tags reads mistranslation. Learn how Intel® technologies—from Intel® Xeon® processor-based workstations and HPC clusters connected with Intel® True Scale Fabric to …

NIAMS, unforgivable and funny

English: Korean: I find that government sites usually go astray with literal translation. Translators and agencies often go with word-for-word meaning in order to avoid mistranslation, but ended up with something odd. NIH contents seem to be localized in low quality. Source: 누가 어깨에 문제를 겪을 수 있는가? Korean: Who Gets Shoulder Problems? …

Microsoft Azure, cloud computing not delivered

en-US: ko-KR: Your app. Your framework. Your platform. All welcome. 앱 프레임워크 플랫폼 반갑습니다. -> “app, framework, platform” is taken as a single term in target. The string doesn’t make sense at all due to the improper punctuations and awkward rephrase of “All welcome.” Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud …