GE 제너럴 일렉트릭 awkward wordings

source: target:                               with more than 100years 한 세기가 넘는 기간 동안 GE는 The modifying adverbial phrase is preceded by the subject GE는, which makes the tone unnatural. This type of errors appear in several URLs. consumer’s every day …

Apple iCloud 애플 클라우드 awkward wordings

source: target: Start here. Finish there. 여기에서 시작하고, 저기에서 끝내세요. This is a typical word-for-word delivery. You can create amazing documents and presentations on your … …로 멋진 문서와 프레젠테이션을 만들 수 있습니다. ‘presentations’ is a literal meaning and doesn’t fit in context since ‘프레젠테이션’ should come with 소개 (present/introduce) instead of 만들다 …