Gengo 겡고 awkward wordings

source: target: target: Order now 작업 의뢰 ‘작업’ sounds informal since the ‘work’ is meant to be translation requests/quotes. Enterprise 엔터프라이즈 It is a dictionary meaning so it doesn’t fit to the menu title.. Developers, Customers 개발자들, 고객 One is in plural, the other singular. Join the network 저희 네트워크에 들어오세요 The verb …

Harry’s Hogwarts house, Gryffindor

Griffins (sometimes spelled “gryphons”) are magical creatures, part lion, part eagle. They originated in India, where they guarded huge treasures of gold. In the third century AD a historian named Aelian wrote: I have heard that the Indian animal the Gryphon is a quadruped like a lion; that it has claws of enormous strength and …

Vera Wang 베라왕 alien term

source: target: 간절기 (Pre-fall) is a mixed compound noun which originated from the japanese term, 節氣の間 so the term is not accepted as a standard.

Halo 4 헤일로 4 awkward wordings & broken syntax

source: target: 복수와 파멸에만 눈이 먼 고대 악마와의 전투로 마스터 치프가 돌아왔습니다. The adverbial phrase doesn’t connect to the subject due to the literal flow. 전투로 (to combat) should be adjusted to 전투를 위해. The emphatic noun ending 파멸에만 sounds awkward and is not necessary in context. 신비로운 세상에 난파한 마스터 치프는 새로운 …