델타항공: semantically broken 01

source: target: ‘Korean laguage’ reads an adjective 한국의 instead of the noun form 한국어. The translated term must have been generated from a Machine Translation. ‘please try your request again’ is translated as a physical request by means of other communication methods, which doesn’t fit in the context. The term ‘request’ is an …

Joint Commission International: semantically broken

source: target: The title ‘People’ is inconsistently translated and a dictionary term is used, which makes the tone awkward. ‘More people’ reads a grade-1 level of wording in context. The body sentences are semantically broken and the grammar won’t register at the appropriate level. The objects 환자중심인 해결책을(patient-centric solutions) and 환자 안전 실행을 …

Gengo 겡고 awkward wordings

source: target: target: Order now 작업 의뢰 ‘작업’ sounds informal since the ‘work’ is meant to be translation requests/quotes. Enterprise 엔터프라이즈 It is a dictionary meaning so it doesn’t fit to the menu title.. Developers, Customers 개발자들, 고객 One is in plural, the other singular. Join the network 저희 네트워크에 들어오세요 The verb …

Harry’s Hogwarts house, Gryffindor

Griffins (sometimes spelled “gryphons”) are magical creatures, part lion, part eagle. They originated in India, where they guarded huge treasures of gold. In the third century AD a historian named Aelian wrote: I have heard that the Indian animal the Gryphon is a quadruped like a lion; that it has claws of enormous strength and …

Vera Wang 베라왕 alien term

source: target: 간절기 (Pre-fall) is a mixed compound noun which originated from the japanese term, 節氣の間 so the term is not accepted as a standard.